Zaštita osobnih podataka
Vaši osobni podaci bit će pažljivo zaštićeni u skladu s važećim propisima.
Podaci dobiveni prilikom naručivanja robe koristit će se za slanje ponuda, računa
i druge potrebne poslovne komunikacije između vas i prodavatelja. Za zaštitu
osobnih podataka odgovoran je i sam korisnik, i to na način da osigurava
sigurnost svog korisničkog imena i lozinke te odgovarajuću programsku
(antivirusnu) zaštitu svog računala.
Accessibility of information
The provider undertakes to always provide the buyer with the following information:
- Company identity (name and headquarters of the company, register number),
- contact details that enable the user to communicate quickly and effectively
(e-mail, telephone),
- essential characteristics of goods or services (including after-sales
services and guarantees),
- the final price of the goods or services, including taxes, or the method of
price calculation, if due to the nature of the goods or services it cannot be calculated in advance,< /p>
- product availability (every product or service offered on the
website should be available within a reasonable time),< /p>
- payment conditions, product delivery conditions or execution of the service ( način,
mjesto i rok dostave),
- podaci o mogućim dodatnim troškovima prijevoza, dostave ili
slanja ili upozorenje da takvi troškovi mogu nastati ako nisu mogući< br/ >calculate in advance,
- temporal validity of the offer,
- terms, deadlines and procedures in case of withdrawal from the contract; uz to i o tome
da li i koliki su troškovi povrata robe,
- objašnjenje postupka reklamacije, uključujući sve podatke o kontakt osobi ili službi za korisnike ,
/p> errors may occur on the website, which are beyond our control and for which we are not responsible. U slučaju većeg odstupanja u cijenama ili
tehničkim podacima, o tome ćemo Vas obavijestiti prilikom narudžbe.
- Izvansudsko rješavanje sporova i drugi pravni lijekovi p>
- the seller will do his best powers to resolve any disputes amicably, but if this is not possible, the court in Ptuj will be competent to resolve these
< br/>Stopping notification >
Each individual can request at any time in writing to the email address or to the address of the company that the company permanently or temporarily stops using njegove osobne podatke u svrhu
izravnog marketinga. Tvrtka će najkasnije u roku od 15 dana prestati koristiti
osobne podatke pojedinca koji podnese zahtjev iz prethodnog stavka u svrhu
izravnog marketinga, o čemu će pojedinca biti obaviještena na njegovu/ her email address.
Collection of data
The company can also collect other data about individual visits to the website and
visits to other websites directly from the website store, whereby this
data is not linked to individuals or their personal data.